Jun 17Liked by David B. Miller

Interesting review of Burroughs. I didn't realize his English elite heritage, nor did I recognize the evolution or racism in his Tarzan books, although I only read a couple. Basically for me it was just a good story and a good movie. As a boy I tried swinging through the trees a few times but didn't get very far. I tried to read his Venus but got bored and never finished it. I seem to remember reading that he was diagnosed as insane at some point.

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Not too far into the jungle behind our house in Sumatra was a hillside with two or three vines nearby each other that swung out over a shallow valley. My older brothers would let me swing on one of them, but none would have served as means of transportation. Tarzan was a hero and heroic figure, and I read maybe ten of Burroughs's Tarzan series. Once I encountered Christ, and especially through Francis Schaeffer's influence, I came to recognize the worldview Burroughs purveyed. (If I can put together a post on the author of The Bridge on the River Kwai and Planet of the Apes (Brulé or something), I'd like to publish that.)

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Had to look it up. It was Pierre Boulle. I was amazed that he wrote both books - they seem so different. Go ahead and give us a review.

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The books portray the same theme, as I see it. I plan to include Lord of the Flies in the discussion--same basic theme. (Not pertinent to the worldview, but classmates of my brothers played minor parts in that movie in the early Sixties.)

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